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Astounding Earth

Classes That Connect

Class Registration and Donations

We are excited you would like to register for one of

our very special offerings or make a donation towards this precious work! 


Things to Know: 


  • Registrations are filled on a first come, first served basis.  

  • After completing this registration form and making your payment, you will be sent a confirmation email. 

  • ​We provide a generous sliding scale and numerous payment options for your convenience.

  • A $100 non-refundable deposit is required for all series registrations including scholarships and work trades.  

  • To learn about our work-trade and scholarship options please click HERE.




Astounding Earth
Class & Workshop Registration
and Donations Form 

Please read and check the boxes below to acknowledge that you agree to the terms and conditions.


Please note: Your registration will not be complete until we receive your payment.  Please choose your payment option on the next page!


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